How do I earn a Ph.D. in clinical sexology?
In addition to earning a PhD in Clinical Sexology, as a graduate of IICS, you will be eligible for Board Certification (through the Therapist Certification Association) as either a Sex Therapist, Clinical Sexologist, or Human Sexuality Professional
You will also be able to seek certification in your specialty area, either through the Therapist Certification Association (TCA) or the Board relevant to that field (Hypnotherapy, Addictions, Transgender Care, Kink Conscious Counseling, and Sex Offender Therapy). AASECT (The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists) certification is distinct from TCA. The Director of the Institute, Dr. Carol L. Clark, is a supervisor and provider for both TCA and AASECT. With your Ph.D. you may choose to pursue AASECT Certification as a Sex Educator, Sex Counselor, or Sex Therapist.
IICS is licensed by the Florida Commission of Independent Education (CIE) to offer a Ph.D. in Clinical Sexology and students earning that degree will hold it in perpetuity regardless of professional licensure status or geographical location.
The CIE license is an assurance that IICS is held to a high educational and operating standard and is audited yearly. Accreditation by a U.S. DoE entity is not necessary as this degree does not lead to a license. Our tuition is low enough that most students do not need Federal financial aid. We offer a payment plan and some students are eligible for a scholarship
A doctorate is a degree that is yours wherever you are and wherever you go. States and countries need to recognize degrees that lead to licensure in that jurisdiction. This degree does not.
You may be accepted in the IICS program with a Master’s Degree or Equivalent in a Human Services field, including medicine, nursing, addictions, social work, marriage and family therapy, and mental health counseling.
Official transcripts indicating proof of your Master’s Degree, or indicating proof of a Bachelor’s degree plus transcripts or certificates confirming sixty (60) graduate level credits in a healthcare field may also be acceptable. These will be evaluated upon application. Contact us to discuss your current education and credentials if you are unsure.
The entire program may be taken via live webinar, in person, or combination of both.
The educational portion of the program may be completed in one year and you have two years from time of registration to complete your Dissertation/Doctoral Project. You may request an extension if needed. There is no additional charge.
Students are required to attend all of the classes. They may miss up to 3 sexology classes and will need to view the recording and write a summary. Each specialty has its own requirements. IICS provides substantial resources in the form of videos, articles, and assessment instruments.
Students are required to view and read these independently and it is expected that they will do so. There are no weekly time requirements. Students will participate in 30 hours of supervision/case consultation (SCC) during which they will present their own cases and process other students’ cases. If students are not therapists, they will focus on their own field of practice and adapt their cases to that. Students will have flexible scheduling for their hours. Students will take an Oral Exam at the end of their sexology education and SCC. This will be their opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned from the program, including applicability to cases.
The total tuition is $19,200. There is no extra charge for additional time to complete the dissertation/project.
Students will have the option of making monthly payments for 24-36 months from the time of enrollment. There are no pre-payment penalties.
The Clinical Sexology classes are held in your choice of tracks. Track 1 is on Saturdays and Track 3 is from Thursday through Monday on alternate months, which allows out-of-town students to attend in person if they desire.
You may complete the classes in any order, so you do not have to adhere to a particular schedule. Zoom login for class starts at 9:00am EST and teaching begins at 9:30am EST. There is half an hour for lunch and class ends at 3:00pm EST. The Specialty Concentrations each have their own schedules. Please refer to the Calendar on the website to see the complete schedules for all classes.
Dissertations can seem scary and many of our students choose to do a Doctoral Project, which does involve some research but allows you to create an exciting project that will enhance the field of sexology.
For example, the creation of a program specialty, or researching the need for and then translating the sexology program into Spanish. Some of our students have written workbooks for special populations. Our faculty will guide you personally on your path.
Upon completion, you will be Board Certified by the Therapist Certification Association and market yourself as such. In other words. The advantages of being a Board Certified Clinical Sexologist, Sexology Educator, or Sex Therapist include:
Prospective students often wonder why bother to invest time and money in obtaining a Ph.D. We’ve included some descriptions from our graduates of what they are doing with their Ph.D to give you inspiration.
In this FAQ is also a section on the advantages of being Board Certified. Here’s what some of our Ph.D graduates are doing: “I work at Therapy Department; a counseling and consulting private practice in Huntington Beach, CA.
I specialize in sex therapy, relationships, and transgender identities. I provide in office and video counseling to clients throughout the United States. My PhD helped me create, develop, and launch the Transgender Healthcare Dignity Model training program. My PhD has given me many opportunities that I have dreamed of including further expert status, which has greatly benefited my business.
It has also provided me with specific training in sex therapy and gender identity that helps me give the best clinical care to clients.” Best Regards, Kristie Overstreet PhD, LMHC, LPCC, LPC, CST, CAP Clinical Sexologist & Psychotherapist Transgender Healthcare Dignity Model Training & Certification Program Author of Fix Yourself First: 25 Tips to Stop Ruining Your Relationship “It was a wonderful decision, thanks to the vision of Dr. Clark my dearest and lovely mentor!
I’m now in Lobito, Angola. And thanks to my Ph.D I’ll be soon working for the University of Lusiada. I’ll be giving training to others academic professors on Human Sexuality! That same university invited me along with another Ph.D ( we are the only two in this city) to initiate the process of creating a Center for Africa Studies! The grants are in their way!
We are in the process of having Columbia University from New York, on board.It will be a major accomplishment for the Institution!! All that thanks to my Ph.D!!!” Have my regards, María Silva, PhD, MSW TCT
Transgender Care Therapist Ph.D Clinical Sexology Other graduates are working in private practice, teaching, running treatment programs, writing and marketing books and workshops, coaching, training other professionals, and more.
As a Marriage & Family Therapist, Clinical Social Worker, Mental Health Counselor, or other healthcare provider, you know that a big limitation you face is not having sexology training and experience. All graduates of STTI and IICS will become Board Certified.
Upon completion, you will be Board Certified by the Therapist Certification Association and market yourself as such. In other words, you can become a Board Certified Sex Therapist while taking classes from your home or office. For more information, please go to Our certification classes also apply towards the PhD program if you later choose to do a dissertation and receive your PhD. The advantages of being a Board Certified Clinical Sexologist, Sexology Educator, or Sex Therapist include:
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You are welcome to call or email us at +1-305-891-1827 [email protected]
How many of my credits will count towards a Ph.D.?
Credits may be transferred from other institutions, including those from Therapy Certification Training (TCA). IICS will accept up to 27 credits, or 80 class hours, from a non-TCA clinical sexology institution.
The IICS President will complete a transcript analysis and evaluate how many and which credits may be transferred. For CSATs, 20 credits may be transferred from their IITAP credit towards the Behavioral & Substance Addiction specialty. Both academic and financial credit will apply. For applicants with AASECT credits, these may apply towards the Clinical Sexology Education portion of the program both academically and financially. As a CSAT, you know that one of the biggest limitations and criticisms you face is not having sexology training and experience. Good news! You may take all your sexology training and supervision/case consultation via live webinar with the Sex Therapy Training Institute.
The IICS program has three sections: Clinical Sexology (54 credits), Specialty Concentration (20 credits), and the Dissertation/Doctoral Project (22 credits).
If you are transferring 20 credits from your IITAP-approved training, you will need 54 credits in Clinical Sexology and the credits from your Dissertation/Doctoral Project. Your CSAT credits will count as your Specialty Concentration. You will still need to attend the monthly classes. You may transfer up to 27 credits from your AASECT-approved training, and will need the additional credits in Clinical Sexology and the credits from your chosen specialty and your dissertation. If you are both AASECT and IITAP certified and took your sexology training at a non-TCA institution, you may choose to apply the credits as you like. For instance, transfer up to 27 Clinical Sexology credits (if deemed eligible) and then complete training in a TCA Specialty Concentration other than addiction.
We will apply up to $4,000 credit towards the $19,200 tuition if you transfer your IITAP credits or up to $5,400 if you transfer your AASECT or other sexology credits. We will evaluate your transcripts and provide you with an analysis and confirmation of transferable credit.
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9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205 | Miami Shores | FL 33138
IICS is licensed by the Florida Department of Education’s Commission of Independent Education (CIE).